The power of an orchestration network

The power of an orchestration network

ID Dataweb runs a network of best-in-breed identity data providers that when combined provide a thorough set of attributes to make the important distinction of whether the digital user is who they say they are.

Our out-of-the-box templates allow an organization to select from over 70 of the best data sources for their particular use case, have ID Dataweb orchestrate the provider feeds, and produce a policy decision on the user’s identity. All with a single interface, a single contract, and a single integration.

One vendor one contract, all the data

One vendor one contract, all the data

ID Dataweb’s data sources include all of the major credit bureaus, telco data, device & behavioral risk engines, government databases, government document and facial scanning solutions, and more.

We vet these vendors and do continuous testing to ensure that you are using the latest technology and the most thorough identity data sets available. Our easy-to-use administrative interface allows you to mix and match sources, change your policies, switch vendors, and modify your identity verification and fraud detection solutions without any changes to your system. Easy, thorough, and a single interface for all of it.

Dynamic backups to ensure uptime

Verifying identities and reducing fraud requires data from a multitude of sources. You need to orchestrate risk and identity signals from telcos, credit bureaus, risk consortiums, and government databases. If the source or connection to any single one of these goes down, the whole house of cards can tumble down. It gets worse if you rely on a single attribute signal. If that source goes down, it’s more than a house of cards, it’s like a light switch is turned off. Darkness — no data to verify against and no way to determine that user’s risk or identity. In short, you end up at the mercy of a very complicated and very fragile database and service that your business depends on.

This problem of dynamic backups and orchestrating multiple signals is exactly why we created the Attribute Exchange Network (AXN). The AXN has over 70 different attribute services available to configure into any identity verification or fraud reduction workflow. Simply choose the services that you want to have in your policy and the AXN manages the API connection, the normalization of the response, and the computation of the multiple sources; the result is a single policy decision that your application uses. You can triangulate as many signals as you need with one interface, one vendor.

Integrated with all of the major identity platforms

Integrated with all of the major identity platforms


These anti-fraud solutions are easily inserted into your identity ecosystem, allowing you to strengthen and harden all of your identity processes against onboarding and account takeover fraud. Click here for documentation on integrations.

Schedule a Customized Demo!

Discover how ID DataWeb can revolutionize your identity fraud prevention strategies with a customized demo tailored to your specific needs. Schedule your personalized demo today and see the difference our integrated solutions can make for your organization!