Fraud Prevention Network

Fraud Prevention Network


ID Dataweb operates a network that orchestrates signals from the best in breed identity, fraud and attribute providers. This network pulls signals and data from over 70 different attribute sources to triangulate data on your user, ultimately catching bad actors and providing digital trust with your users.

Templates Provide Fast Easy Deployment

With over 200M transactions processed to date, ID Dataweb has learned a thing or two about best practices in identity proofing and fraud prevention. We have designed out of the box templates for fast easy deployment with the ability to customize to your specific use case.

For Identity Verification, we have three out of the box templates:



Verifies the user’s identity by matching the claimed identity with phone possession, phone ownership and credit bureau data.



Verifies the user’s identity by matching their live selfie and identity data with an authentic government ID.



Verifies the user’s identity by ensuring that they know the answers to dynamic knowledge-based questions (KBA) that only they can know.

For adaptive authentication, we have two out of the box templates:

AXN Manage

AXN Manage

Determines user and device risk during authentication. This process uses device fingerprinting and user behavior to return a configurable policy decision of approve, deny or obligate.

FastTap MFA

FastTap MFA

A great complement to AXN Manage as it takes the risk policy decision and performs MFA with either a link or OTP sent to the phone on record. Using the link can provide risk factors on the phone such as whether it has been ported or SIM swapped or even if it is near the authenticating device.

Workflows for the highest pass rates

Your goal is to verify and pass the good actors while providing barriers for the bad actors. All without your user having to pick up the phone for an expensive phone call (or worse yet, abandon the process).

Since ID Dataweb provides multiple methods for identity proofing using all three factors (what you have, what you are, what you know), ID Dataweb is able to design a workflow that doesn’t kick the user out of the process if they can’t pass a proofing challenge but instead steps them up to another method. There are very good reasons why users can’t pass a step (don’t have their ID on them, using their grandmother’s phone, etc) so you don’t want to stop them, you want to pass them. Many of our customers have a greater than 95% pass rate.

Pass Rate

Powered by powerful partnerships.

With a single interface and a single contract, you have access to the best-in-breed credit bureau data, telco data, government databases, biometric matching, and anti-fraud technology. If one data provider goes down, the platform automatically fails over to a backup. With flexible policy control, you manage what data you need to verify to build digital trust with your users.

The one-stop-shop for identity security.

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